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Friday, July 30, 2010

Gettin your Griz on. Salad style.

Here's the real down and dirty about getting grizzly. I've got some foods here that will regenerate the damage done from Gutter's last blog post. Most of these veggies can be found right on Dickinson's campus or largely uneaten in the Villa fridge.

(DISCLAIMER: Jake do not attempt to eat any of these foods, they may kill you).

Top 5 Grizzed Veggies

#1 Swiss Chard: This shit is so stocked full of Vitamins, Omegas, and Crazy colors that it will shock the grizzly system. Swiss Chard is high in vitamins A, K and C with one cup containing 214%,716%, and 53% of the recommended daily value. It is also rich in minerals, dietary fiber and protein.
#2 Cucumbers: Not only is a cucumber deliciously innocent, but it is also a first phase pickle. Who doesn't love a good gherkin?
#3 Bell Peppers: Cooked, raw, slivered...this veggie is delicious--in any color! Peppers are extremely high in Vitamin C. Even on grizzly food, ie a steak and cheese, peppers are delicious. There is no excuse not to eat this veg.
#4 Onion: It is a badass allium, in the garlic family. Onions are awesome and they should be in everything, especially jive salad. Onions also help prevent osteoporosis, another great reason to say, "Screw Milk!"
#5 Cherry Tomatoes: Tomatoes in general are amazing, but what is better than a tasty bite-sized cherry tomato right off the vine? Nothing, nothing at all. The orange variety is especially sweet and rich in lycopene. If you like ketchup you must like tomatoes. Stop lying to your brain!

Alright folks, that's it! Get grizzly on this combo to try and survive your 50+ years. Again, Gutter please do not try this.


  1. The orange cherry tomatoes are know as Sun Golds and they are truly the most magnificent food in the world. And that is your grizzly farm fact of the day.

  2. Thank you very much farm dj. Sun Golds.
